LADY Press Release
TOKYO, JAPAN—As detailed in our previous press release, LADY (Leadership and Action for Determined Youth) will hold our second annual three-day overnight program on August, 9-11 at the Chiba Prefectural Tega no Oka Youth Nature House (千葉県立手賀の丘少年自然の家). As a continuation of our mission, we intend to empower young Japanese women to achieve their own goals so that they may become the future leaders of Japan. Through lectures, workshops, and discussions facilitated by female role models, high school participants will be equipped with the essential leadership skills and critical perspectives on gender issues necessary to tackle the 21st century as ambitious women.
On May 21, Toyo Keizai ONLINE featured an article on LADY entitled “How to escape ‘The Way Girls Should Be’: The impact of starting from high school.” (Original Japanese: 「『女の子はこうであるべき』から解放される方法:女子高生時代に学ぶから意義がある」) Nanami Kono, one of LADY’s Director Representatives, was interviewed alongside Kanoko Kamata, a speaker from the Summer 2016 program and a representative from NPO Community Organizing Japan. They discussed LADY’s history, content, and importance, along with their respective experiences as part of the program.
Over the past two months, LADY successfully recruited eleven non-cisgender male university students to act as mentors in the upcoming summer program. They come from a variety of domestic Japanese and international schools, and many have spent time studying at multiple universities. One mentor will return from our Winter 2017 program, and act as Head Mentor, working with the Director Team to coordinate the program. The universities represented by the Summer 2017 mentors include: Akita International University, American University, Columbia University, Cornell College, Doshisha Women’s University, Grinnell College, Keio University, Smith College, Sophia University, Temple University (Japan Campus), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, the University of Brunei Darussalam, Wellesley College, and Waseda University.
We also confirmed a total of five speakers to give lectures and lead workshops at our program so far. They are as follows:
In addition to these speakers, we will also hold two workshops: Gender and Identity Workshop, in which we discuss the unconscious biases attached to various identities, and the Design Workshop where participants discuss women’s issues in their daily lives and how to solve them through the design thinking method.
To promote our program to potential applicants, representatives from the LADY team conducted four information sessions at different locations in Tokyo and Osaka. The hosts for these information sessions were: Tokyo Academics, Hiroo Gakuen High School, Konko Osaka High School, and Ochanomizu University. At the last venue, we livestreamed the session on our Facebook page,
In our previous press release, we announced that the participant application deadline would fall on June 17. However, due to constraints placed onto us by our venue, high schooler students interested in participating must apply by 3:59AM EST (4:59PM JST) on Sunday, June 11. Our application can be found at If this deadline change proves to be a limiting factor, then please contact us at [email protected]. SPONSORS
LADY is dedicated to accessibility and ensuring that participants from all walks of life may attend our program. As such, we work hard to keep costs low for those who attend. However, we cannot keep costs low without financial support. If there are any companies or individuals who would be interested in providing a sponsorship or an individual contribution to ensure LADY’s success, we would be honored to receive such support. Our current sponsors include: The Harvard College Japan Initiative, Global Partners Institute US, Dow Chemical Japan, Ltd., Ochanomizu Institute for Global Leadership, and Ochanomizu University Senior High School. We have also received an increase of small individual contributions. For details on our sponsorship benefits, please email us at [email protected].
The LADY Director Team looks forward to reading the applications from potential future members of the LADY community. As always, if you are interested in supporting LADY or learning more about our programs, please visit our website,, or contact us directly via email at [email protected].
Previous Press ReleasesMay 23, 2017
April 11, 2017 |